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Adult Basic Education
in Literacy
College Transitions - FOR MORE INFORMATION!
with Amy Hatch

The Maine College and Career Access (MCCA) Program, formerly known as College Transitions, is designed to help adults transition into education or training programs. We provide tutoring in English, Math, and Computer Skills, as well as individualized advising to help you with the admission and financial aid processes.
Take #YOURNEXTSTEP here at MSAD 52 Adult Education in Turner and earn college credit!
We will work on success strategies, time management, and academics to prepare you for college success.
We will visit local colleges and have guests from the Maine Education Opportunity Center and FAME Maine to help with financial aid and scholarships.
Take #YOURNEXTSTEP in your career by joining our next Maine College Transitions Program.
Call 225-1010 for more information OPTION 3.