Gentle Ayurvedic Yoga with meditation; A Journey of Transformation FULL SESSION
with Karen Vasil-Busch
Discover secrets for lifelong wellness from the ancient roots of Ayurveda, the Science of Life, with her sister Science of the Mind, Yoga. Each class contains a healing matrix of Hatha yoga, sound yoga, mantra and meditation.
Two six week sessions, beginning with session one that connects us to our inner landscape by focusing on restorative yoga and meditations for Winter. Session Two, embraces a practice that acknowledges the changes unfolding around us, as we move into Spring.
If you are interested in one session, this class wil be offered as a single session for Winter & Spring for $65 each session!
Students are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, blanket, blocks and bolster to their home practice. These classes are recorded and distributed to you for repeated practice throughout the weeks we are in session. Led by an experienced yoga practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Ayurvedic practitioner.
Jan 20 - Apr 14th, 2025
Mon for 12 weeks from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Online Class
For more info, call us at 207-225-1010